Monday, August 19, 2013

Review of movie Would You Rather (2012)

So this weekend I had a free rental from Redbox and was in the mood for a good horror movie. I had browsed the Redbox site to get some ideas to see what new releases were out and I just happened upon Would You Rather. The synopsis of the movie is as follows a desperate young woman who is willing to do anything to help her ailing brother and finds herself in playing a real life game of would you rather hosted by a psycho millionaire. I was quite surprised by how much I really liked the movie. It starts out with a young woman named Iris who is at a job interview and you can tell she is desperate for a job. She mentions that she helps to take care of her brother after his "accident". We later come to find out that her brother has cancer and needs a transplant. She has no other family and she means the world to him. So when she visits his doctor he offers her a once in a lifetime opportunity in which she can compete for money and also her brothers medical care specifically a transplant. What the other participants don't realize is how sick and sadistic the host becomes with this so called game. He tries to start out innocent (or what he would think is innocent) enough by offering a vegetarian so much money to eat meat or offering money to a recovering alcoholic to take a drink. But then he gets down to the gritty part of Would You Rather scenarios in which you have the option to stab or whip someone and the game goes on like this. You can see the desperation on each of the participants faces. You can tell some do not want to be there but they have no option to leave and others will try to do anything to save their own self. It does have some very powerful and disturbing scenes. Overall a great movie if you are into that kind of thing. Here is a link to the imdb page I think it should have a higher rating but to each their own I suppose